While listening to the news yesterday evening something caught my eye and attention dealing with a robbery which took place an establishment. There were two inside while this was going on and the so-called gunman kept threatening them that he had a gun and never reveal it and started to tear into the cash register breaking it open taking the money. While doing so the two people inside witnessing what was taking place were on there cell phones call police while all of this was taking place. If one of them at the time of the robbery would have had this stun gun Stun Master Lil Guy 12,000,000 volts Black Stun Gun with Flashlight and Nylon Holster they would have been able to take him down without injuries to them or the so-called gunman who walked out with the money and got on his bike and rode off into the sunset while both of the individuals stood watching and talking to the police on their cell phones. Get protection if you are in the business of doing business knowing that one day you may be looking down the barrel of a weapon and although the cell phone will take pictures a stun gun or pepper spray will take down the intruder.
Pro Security Tech
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